The Fourth Board Meeting of Pax Earth Nepal was held on Saturday 27th June 2009 at the residence of Secretary Mr. Manohar Sapkota Kumarigal, Kathmandu at 5.00PM. The meeting started with President Mr. Sujan Koirala’s welcoming notes. With the consent of the President, Secretary Mr. Sapkota took control over the meeting.
The meeting was mainly focused on PEN meets PEJ. Let’s portray the picture of the meeting:
1.Joint Treasurer Mr. Dipendra Dangol shared his experience on Japan visit. He had prepared a report of 20 minutes.
2.President Mr. Koirala presented a power point slide on PEN meets PEJ. He informed and explained the board about each and every activity, schedule, visit and meeting.
3.President and Jt. Treasurer answered to the queries raised by the members. President Mr. Koirala further showed the movie of the Reunion Party and other clips.
4.President brought into the notice of all members about the laptop presented by Shunsuke Imura-san, digital cameras gifted by Takaharu Sakakibara-san and Megumi-san.
5.Following the lucky draw, President handed over the Official T-shirt of Pax Earth to 6 members. The six lucky members are: Vice President Mr. Shreebatsa Basnyat, Secretary Mr. Sapkota, Treasurer Mr. Bal Gopal Shrestha, Joint Secretary Guna Raj Pyakurel, Board Members Binod Prasad Mainali and Mr. Laxman Bahadur Pahari. The board agreed to wear it at PEN meetings and formal activities.
6.Mr. Shreebatsa Basnyat proposed to give vote of thanks to Mr. Soko Aoki and PEJ Team for the superb arrangements of the programs, visits, meetings and accommodations. All board members unanimously agreed the proposal.
7.Due to the constraint of the time, the meeting could not enter into the next agenda, i.e., members-advisors meeting. However, the board agreed to put this agenda in the next month’s meeting.
President thanked all Board members and adjourned the meeting. Ten members (including 9 board members) attended the meeting.