The 6th Board Meeting of Pax Earth Nepal was held at its new Secretariat, Pashupati, Kathmandu during 5.30pm to 7.00pm on Tuesday December 20, 2011.

The meeting was chaired by President Sujan Koirala and attended by the following Board Members:

1, President Sujan Koirala
2, Vice President Shreebatsa Basnyat
3, Treasurer Bal Gopal Shrestha
4, Joint Secretary Guna Raj Pyakurel
5, Board Member Harihar Sapkota
6, Board Member Laxman B. Pahari

PEN Board had a comprehensive and meaningful discussion on some key agendas and took the decisions accordingly. The agendas and decisions are provided hereunder.

1, PEN’s final educational materials distribution in Kavre for 2011
The Board made a decision to hold the final educational materials distribution of year 2011 in Shree Raktakali Primary School and Shree Kalika Primary School of Kavrepalanchok on Tuesday December 27, 2011.

2, PEN Secretary Manohar Sapkota’s resignation from Secretary
President Sujan Koirala read the resignation letter of Manohar Sapkota from the position of Secretary dated: Dec. 11, 2011. The Board Members had an in-depth, comprehensive and concrete discussion on his resignation. The Board came to a consensus not to endorse his resignation for the time being. The main reason behind holding his resignation is to prepare a suitable candidate for Secretary which requires a reasonable time frame. The Board further made a decision to give Joint Secretary Guna Raj Pyakurel a role of Acting Secretary. The Board further agreed to continue the discussion for a suitable candidate for Secretary in next board meeting as well.

3, Amendment in Plan 2012
The Board made a decision to incorporate “Japanese language class” and “Tree plantation” in our Plan 2012. PEN will send two interested members to learn Japanese language in a well-known Japanese language institute in Kathmandu for upto 6 months. Similarly, PEN will coordinate with school authorities of Shree Raktakali Primary School and Shree Kalika Primary School to see the possibility of “Tree Plantation” in the school area or in any other open space. PEN team will discuss about this with the school authorities on Dec. 27, 2011’s Kavre visit.

4) PEN Toastmasters Program Vol. 2 No. 4
The Board made a unanimous decision to hold PEN Toastmasters Program Vol. 2, No. 4 at its Secretariat, Pashupati, Kathmandu during 5.30PM to 6.30PM on Friday December 23, 2011. The Board further gave the role of Toastmasters of the Day to Acting Secretary Guna Raj Pyakurel. He has chosen: “Youth and Unemployment” as the theme of the day.

5) Miscellaneous:
a) The Board endorsed a decision of appointing Mr. Uday Banskota as the Country Representative of PEN for Sweden.
b) The Board made a decision to appoint PEN Member Bijaya Thapa as the Country Representative for USA who is leaving for USA in February 2012.

As there was no more agenda remained for discussion, President thanked Board Members for their active participation and valuable inputs and adjourned the meeting.

Reported by PEN Secretariat!!!